NY: Trump Resists Funding for Project on His Home Turf

March 19, 2018
President Trump is taking on his own party and lawmakers from his home state as his administration pushes to strip funding for a multibillion-dollar rail project in the New York metro region from an upcoming spending bill.

President Trump is taking on his own party and lawmakers from his home state as his administration pushes to strip funding for a multibillion-dollar rail project in the New York metro region from an upcoming spending bill. 

The president, who made his fortune as a New York builder, has threatened to veto an omnibus package for the government if it includes funding for what is known as the Gateway project, a rail reconstruction effort that has bipartisan support from New Jersey and New York lawmakers. 

Republicans from the two states are scrambling to persuade Trump to back the $900 million funding for a rebuilding project they see as vital to the region’s livelihood and economy, as Congress runs up against a March 23 deadline to pass a spending bill and avert another government shutdown.

Read the full article at http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/378876-trump-resists-funding-for-project-on-his-home-turf