NJ: NJ Transit Is Missing $2.4 Million in Fares From Worker Shortage
Nov. 3, 2017
New Jersey Transit failed to collect $2.4 million in commuter-rail revenue over nine months because of short-staffing and passenger crowding, according to a union representing train conductors.
Source Bloomberg
New Jersey Transit failed to collect $2.4 million in commuter-rail revenue over nine months because of short-staffing and passenger crowding, according to a union representing train conductors.
United Transportation Union Local 60 based the calculation on forms submitted by employees. The missed revenue could be higher, the union said, because there was a shortage of forms this year, and in many cases, submitted information was incomplete or illegible.
From January to September, workers missed at least 146,625 passengers, the union said, as collectors were overwhelmed by riders standing in aisles or ran out of time to reach all cars. By year-end, the union expects the missed revenue to surpass $3.2 million.