CA: Muni Mulls Policy to Name Stations after People

Nov. 22, 2016
The death of Chinatown community organizer Rose Pak, who died in September, spurred transit officials to draft a policy after the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in October urging the SFMTA Board of Directors to name the not-yet-completed Central

The death of Chinatown community organizer Rose Pak, who died in September, spurred transit officials to draft a policy after the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution in October urging the SFMTA Board of Directors to name the not-yet-completed Central Subway Chinatown station after Pak.

The draft policy also includes a framework for accepting sponsorships and naming rights on certain SFMTA assets. Though the transit agency does not plan to pursue sponsorships now, it may decide to do so in the future, said SFMTA board secretary Roberta Boomer.

For years, the transit agency has received requests from the public on naming transit stations and properties owned by the SFMTA after a deceased person, but there was no formal policy in place on how transit officials would go about doing so.

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