Bombardier Transportation of Canada is the apparent top scorer in the competition for a $3.4 billion contract to design and build 775 new BART rail cars, BART officials said Monday.
Bombardier was ranked highest by a BART evaluation team using seven criteria to assess the contract proposals made by three railcar makers.
The ranking does not guarantee Bombardier will get the contract, as the firm must pass an audit showing that it meets federal requirements to use at least 60 percent American made parts and material in the cars.
The BART board on April 26 is expected to consider awarding the contract for the first 225 rail cars.
Also on Monday, BART released a report saying that the transit system plans the new cars to have more doors for faster passenger loading, and areas on the car exteriors to display public art. To view the report and artist renditions of the new cars, go and click on "About BART" and "projects" and "new trains cars."
Contact Denis Cuff at 925-943-8267.
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