Port Authority to begin major construction project beginning July 26

July 22, 2019

A major light-rail track and concrete pavement replacement project for the Port Authority of Allegheny County will take place in and around the Mt. Washington Transit Tunnel and will significantly impact bus and light-rail service for one month beginning July 26.

The construction will impact approximately 10,000 weekday and 5,000 weekend light rail riders and 5,000 weekday and 2,000 weekend bus riders.

Significant delays are expected throughout the light rail system and on the effected bus routes. Customers should pay close attention to the changes and plan for increased travel time depending on time of travel, direction and day.

To avoid confusion, the detours will be in effect for the duration of the project barring any unforeseen circumstances.

The Wabash Tunnel will remain inbound only for the duration of the project.

Port Authority has established a dedicated Customer Service Construction Information Line that can be reached at 412-566-5544. This line will be staffed by a customer service representative weekdays from 6 am to 7 pm and from 8 am to 4:30 pm on weekends and holidays. 

Customers can find the detour routes on the Port Authority’s website.