The VIA Metropolitan Transit’s Board of Trustees have adopted a $390.8 million consolidated Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget that supports improvements to bus and van service, a new VIA Link on-demand zone, continued recruitment and retention efforts for operators and mechanics and ongoing capital projects designed to improve passenger amenities and the customer experience.
The $262.5 million operating budget projects a 3.3 percent growth in sales tax and holds steady VIA’s fares, ensuring the community continues to have affordable access to reliable transportation. The budget prioritizes growing transit usage with more and better trip options and advancing the Keep San Antonio Moving plan that includes the region’s first Advanced Rapid Transit corridors, the VIA Rapid Green and Silver lines. VIA is tracking a 12.5 percent increase in bus ridership and a 20.9 percent increase in VIAtrans paratransit ridership for FY23.
VIA Metropolitan Transit’s budget for FY24 is down from FY23 due in part to savings in its Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) plan.
The FY24 operating budget is $11.5 million less than FY23. VIA’s adopted capital budget of $128.3 million is $4.3 million under last year’s.
The FY24 budget provides a three percent cost of living adjustment for administrative employees, along with a 3.5 percent one-time payment to retirees. VIA’s hourly employees received a three percent adjustment in August.
VIA’s fare structure remains unchanged, having last been adjusted in 2016. Full fare is $1.30 and there is no charge for transfers. VIA’s fares are among the lowest in the U.S.
The approved FY24 budget also includes the following:
- Reliability and frequency improvements to fixed-route service
- Adjustments to VIAtrans paratransit service that address service demand
- Expanded service for three existing VIA Link zones
- The addition of a fourth VIA Link zone
- New front-line positions
- Continued focus, on hiring and retention
FY24 begins Oct. 1.