The South Logan TOD StoryMap was launched online, and the community is invited to learn more about the South Logan Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Project in Spokane, Wash., that will support more connectivity and livability in the South Logan area close to transit.
The StoryMap provides information about the project study area through a variety of mediums to provide readers with a new experience on their own time. Scrolling through the StoryMap, readers will see maps, videos and images along with narrative text allowing them to explore the South Logan TOD Project, as well as the history of the Logan Neighborhood, the Spokane Transit Authority City Line route, and how to share feedback.
As part of the city's community engagement for the project, a storefront studio at the SIERR Building was held that included drop-in studio hours, stakeholder interviews and two community workshops. This StoryMap will have many of the project details and existing conditions that were discussed throughout the studio including demographics, land use and development, housing, traffic and the bike and pedestrian network of the South Logan Area. This StoryMap would be a great way to engage with the material if you were not able to make it to the studio.
Consultants and city staff are currently in the process of taking feedback from the studio and survey responses to develop possible scenarios for the future of the South Logan area.
The city would love if readers would scroll through to learn more about the project and provide feedback about what residents would like to see as the future of your neighborhood. At the end of the StoryMap, there are multiple ways to provide input at this time.