Houston Metro CEO Accepts National Transportation Award
Sept. 26, 2018
The American Public Transportation Association formally recognized Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County President & CEO Tom Lambert as the 2018 Outstanding Public Transportation Manager.
Cindy Lambert and Metro President & CEO Tom Lambert.
The American Public Transportation Association formally recognized Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County President & CEO Tom Lambert as the 2018 Outstanding Public Transportation Manager. Lambert accepted the award during a luncheon at the organization's national convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
“It is a tremendous honor to receive this award from my peers. Through innovation and collaboration, our team works each day to improve and expand multimodal services to the public. I accept this award on their behalf and feel grateful to be recognized in this way,” said Lambert.
Lambert’s successes as Metro CEO include the 2015 redesign of the local bus network and Metro’s strategic planning during Hurricane Harvey in which the Authority helped move 15,500 people to shelters and prevented damage to 98 percent of Metro's buses.
Lambert credits his success to the dedicated effort of Metro's Board of Directors and staff. Additionally, Lambert was named to APTA's 2018-2019 Executive Committee.