On February 1, the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee held a hearing titled “Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America.” It was the Committee’s first hearing in the 115th Congress and came following both President Trump’s recent pledge to focus on infrastructure and a trillion dollar infrastructure investment blueprint previewed by Senate Democrats.
The key to America’s future competitiveness is making investments in an infrastructure that is ready to take on the challenges of the 21st century. That’s the central message Chairman Bill Shuster and members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee delivered during the Committee’s first full hearing of the 115th Congress last week. To communicate this vision beyond the beltway, the Committee has launched an informational campaign entitled “Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America,” or #building21.
“America’s infrastructure is the backbone of our economy and we must invest to meet the challenges of today while preparing for the opportunities of tomorrow,” said Shuster (R-PA). “The #building21 initiative is designed to explain our vision for America’s infrastructure that promotes job creation, encourages economic development, and prepares the Nation for the breakthroughs in mobility that are around the corner.”
Integral to the #building21 initiative is the launch of a new website, which will focus attention on policies that will build a 21st century infrastructure. The site went live today featuring perspectives from Chairman Shuster and Committee Members, as well as a vision statement for the initiative.
“This isn’t simply a website,” Shuster added. “The Committee will continue to hold hearings, listening sessions, and roundtables throughout the Congress as part of our agenda to explore what system users, manufacturers, and consumers need to truly develop an infrastructure and transportation network that is second to none.”