Transit Advisory Committee Takes Shape as GoTriangle Board Approves 28 Members
GoTriangle’s Board of Trustees has approved a slate of nominees from Wake, Durham and Orange counties to serve on the agency’s new Transit Advisory Committee.
Keeping a regional focus, members will help keep the board informed of community issues so that our high-quality transit network better serves the needs of our entire region.
On Wednesday, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees appointed 28 people to the committee, with 14 from Wake County, seven from Durham and seven from Orange. The board is still seeking two additional members from Durham County. The Wake County Board of Commissioners had the opportunity to recommend six of the county’s 14 members, the Durham County Board of Commissioners recommended five and the Orange County Board of Commissioners four. GoTriangle selected the additional members.
Members from Wake County are Sheila Alamin-Khashoggi, Ryan Boyce, Jerome Brown, Acacia Cadogan, Gerry Cohen, Danny Coleman, Joshua Gill, Nathaniel Greene, Jeffrey Leiter, Tolulope Omokaiye, Gabe Talton, Adam Terando, Latonia Williams and John Van Ness.
From Durham County are Philip Azar, Gregory Baxter, Edward Harrison, Nicolas Norboge, Jacob Rogers, James Svara and Monique Velasquez.
From Orange County are Jason Baker, Heather Brutz, Molly De Marco, Thomas Farmer, John Rees, Jayse Sessi and Alison Stuebe.
“We are grateful for these committee members who have agreed to spend time serving as a voice for their neighbors,” said GoTriangle General Manager Jeff Mann. “The transit investments we are making are community investments, and it is important to get a wide range of input to assist our region moving forward.”
Committee members will:
- Provide advice and feedback to the board during planning for public transportation systems.
- Offer views of constituent groups.
- Suggest how transit can assist with equity issues, such as homelessness, affordable housing, economic opportunity and living with disabilities.
- Provide information regarding the customer experience of transit riders.
- Communicate stakeholder opinions, attitudes and needs to the board, identify areas of concern and recommend changes.
- The committee will meet at least four times a year. Members will serve two two-year terms. GoTriangle anticipates the inaugural meeting to happen by summer.