Chris Abele proclaimed the week of March 13th – 19th, MCTS Excellence Week.
Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele proclaimed the week of March 13th — 19th, Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) Excellence Week. The proclamation coincides with a special new website. Through pictures, videos and stories from riders, the website highlights the ways MCTS drivers, mechanics and other staff perform excellence every day.
“Both as county executive and as a Milwaukeean who loves this community, I could not be more proud of the amazing things MCTS employees do every day. From finding lost children and helping passengers in distress to helping a rider get a pair of shoes or just an uplifting smile, MCTS employees truly perform excellence every day,” said County Executive Chris Abele.
MCTS employees receive more than 700 commendations a year for their excellence. The new website,, will be regularly updated with some of those stories. Riders and members of the public are invited to share their stories of MCTS Excellence by filing a commendation.