DART "Stuff a Bus" Benefits Those in Need

Nov. 15, 2016
Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) bus operators and police officers will be collecting Stuff a Bus donations of adult socks, blankets, canned food and unwrapped toys for children.

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) bus operators and police officers will be collecting Stuff a Bus donations of adult socks, blankets, canned food and unwrapped toys for children. The annual event benefits hundreds of Dallas area children, elderly and families in need. 

Bring your donation to the DART stuff a bus at the Mockingbird Stationparking lot, 5465 E. Mockingbird Lane, Friday, Dec. 2, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Two DART employee campaigns, "Santa Cops" and "Comforting of the Souls," benefit as a 40-foot long bus is filled with your donations. The Northwest Bus Division's "Comforting of the Souls" donates the new adult socks and blankets to area nursing homes while toys and food help families in need through the DART Police Department's "Santa Cops." 

KKDA-FM "K-104" sponsors DART's "Stuff a Bus" campaign and will be doing a live broadcast at the Mockingbird Station event.