GRTC Celebrates “Transit Driver Appreciation Day”

March 18, 2016
GRTC celebrates its Operators on Friday, March 18, 2016 as part of national “Transit Driver Appreciation Day.”

GRTC celebrates its Operators on Friday, March 18, 2016 as part of national “Transit Driver Appreciation Day.” 

Buses will display a special message on the electronic destination header signs, which says, “We appreciate our Operators!” There are currently 257 (full and part-time) GRTC Operators, with new Operator classes scheduled every other month the rest of this year.

Administrative GRTC staff will deliver goodie bags to Operators at the Temporary Transfer Plaza, and honor them at GRTC headquarters throughout the day. 

When the bus is not moving and it is safe to do so, riders are encouraged to thank their Operator and share photos with GRTC on social media (Twitter @GRTCtransit; Instagram @RideGRTC; Facebook @RideGRTC), using the hashtag #tdad (short for “Transit Driver Appreciation Day”).

GRTC Operators safely transport about 28,000 riders daily, making commuting easier for everyone in RVA. The number one reason why people ride GRTC is for commuting to and from work. GRTC Operators keep RVA workers rolling, fueling the local economy.

GRTC rider Deanglao McClure says, “I’ve been riding GRTC since I was a young kid with my mother. When I was old enough to ride on my own, I pretty much utilize GRTC for my go-to source of transportation. Awesome Operators!”