4th Round of Public Meetings Continues for Albuquerque Rapid Transit Project

Feb. 25, 2016
ABQ Ride is hosting five public meetings at the end of February and the beginning of March, 2016 to update the public on the latest information concerning Albuquerque Rapid Transit.

ABQ Ride is hosting five public meetings at the end of February and the beginning of March, 2016 to update the public on the latest information concerning Albuquerque Rapid Transit. The second of five public meetings is set for tonight at Immanuel Presbyterian Church’s Fellowship Hall, 114 Carlisle SE (at Central). The meeting will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Participants at these meetings will get a chance to meet the ART project’s Contractor, Bradbury Stamm, along with some of the managers associated with the project. They will then be asked to break into smaller groups, where they can discuss ways to reduce issues arising from construction. The gathered information will then be shared with the rest of the meeting’s participants and ART team members.

Here are the rest of the scheduled meetings:

  • Thursday, Feb. 25, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Immanuel Presbyterian Church/Fellowship Hall, 114 Carlisle SE (at Central)
  • Tuesday, March 1, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Albuquerque Police Community Substation, 2060 Central SW (at Rio Grande)
  • Wednesday, March 2, 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m., Patrick J. Baca Library, 8081 Central NW (at Unser)
  • Thursday, March 3, 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Alice K. Hoppes African American Pavilion, EXPO New Mexico (San Pedro and Copper-across from the Expo N.M. Pavilion Stage)

ABQ Ride representatives will be available to answer questions and provide project details. Participants at these public meetings will also get to review plans for:

  1. The latest station renderings and their lighting designs
  2. Lane configurations
  3. Cross sections of lane alignments along neighborhoods of Central Ave served by ART
  4. Landscaping and streetscape plans