TX: Court Dismisses Appeals in Ruling on Via Funding

May 16, 2014
An appellate court in Austin has dismissed all appeals filed on behalf of George Alejos in a court case involving the use of Advanced Transportation District (ATD) bonds to pay for transit-related improvements.

An appellate court in Austin has dismissed all appeals filed on behalf of George Alejos in a court case involving the use of Advanced Transportation District (ATD) bonds to pay for transit-related improvements.

In January of this year, a lower court ruled that Via Metropolitan Transit is entitled to issue bonds backed by the ATD to finance improvements to the Robert Thompson Transit Center and the Westside Multimodal Transit Center. Alejos appealed the initial judgment and subsequent bond requirements.

The ruling clears the way for Via to proceed with the upgrades to the passenger facilities, improvements that are essential in meeting the transit needs of the region and improving the experience for current and future riders.

“We are pleased with the ruling today, which allows us to get back to improving the riding experience for our customers,” said Via President/CEO Jeffrey Arndt. “This court case has caused delays to two very important projects at a significant cost to the taxpayers. We can now move forward with our plans to provide amenities for our passengers and continue building a transit system for our entire community.”