The City of Burbank recently put the finishing touches on? a Community Mobility Plan. The Community Mobility Plan is the result of 18 months of extensive community outreach and involvement.“Through surveys, roundtable sessions, and informational booths at community events, insight was gleaned from Burbank residents as well as persons employed regarding their needs and wants as they pertain to local transportation,” noted David Kriske, deputy city planner forTransportation. “More than 1,000 individuals participated in this project which will provide the city with important insight into mobility gaps within Burbank’s current transportation network.”The plan includes the following recommendations:
- Adjust BurbankBus service to more effectively address the mobility needs of Burbank residents.
- Monitor local employment patterns to continue serving commuter travel demand.
- Reduce duplication with Metro Local so as to potentially expand service into underserved portions of the community.
- Seek funding to implement a real-time bus arrival information service for BurbankBus customers.
The city initiated the project in Fall 2010 after receiving a transportation planning grant from the California Department of Transportation.