MI: Hackel on Regional Transit Efforts: Macomb Voters "Don't Want This Thing"

March 21, 2018
At one point, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel was a big proponent of the Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority, and its potential to coordinate and boost the region’s lackluster, fragmented transit systems.

At one point, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel was a big proponent of the Southeast Michigan Regional Transit Authority, and its potential to coordinate and boost the region’s lackluster, fragmented transit systems.

But Hackel now seems to have soured on the prospect of more and better transit, and on the RTA itself, just as Wayne County is making a push to put a transit millage before voters in November.

Last week, Wayne County Executive Warren Evans presented the RTA board with a 20-year, $5.4 billion plan to improve and expand bus service, provide bus service to Detroit Metro Airport, and link Detroit and Ann Arbor by commuter rail.

Read the full article at http://michiganradio.org/post/hackel-regional-transit-efforts-macomb-voters-dont-want-thing