OR: Christian Activist Group Targets TriMet Over OkCupid 'DTF' Ads

Feb. 14, 2018

A ribald ad campaign for an online dating service has landed TriMet in the sights of a conservative activist group.

The campaign has plastered the acronym DTF -- usually meaning "down to" followed by a rude four-letter word -- on the side of the transit agency's buses. But on closer inspection, the ads indicate couples are down to "farmers market," among other things.

CitizenGO, which hosts online petitions on Christian issues, has targeted the regional transit agency over a series of advertisements for OkCupid. It asks TriMet to change its advertisement policy and remove OkCupid's "distasteful and sexually explicit ads" in an online petition that had nearly 2,000 signatures within hours of its launch Tuesday morning.

Read the complete article at http://www.oregonlive.com/commuting/index.ssf/2018/02/trimet_okcupid_dtf_ads.html