DC: Senate Confirms Trump's Railroad Nominee

Feb. 14, 2018
After months of holdup, the Senate on Tuesday confirmed the nomination of Ronald Batory to serve as the federal railroad administrator.

After months of holdup, the Senate on Tuesday confirmed the nomination of Ronald Batory to serve as the federal railroad administrator.

The upper chamber confirmed by voice vote Batory’s nomination, in addition to that of Adam Sullivan for assistant secretary of governmental affairs.

Batory’s confirmation had been stalled in the upper chamber since August, when the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee approved Trump’s pick.Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao previously accused Democratic senators from New Jersey and New York of holding Batory’s nomination over the Trump administration’s stance on a multibillion-dollar rail project known as the Gateway Program. 

Read the complete article at http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/railroads/373722-senate-confirms-trumps-railroad-nominee