The West Virginia National Guard and West Virginia University have a unique opportunity for first responders to take part in a brand new FEMA approved onsite training course pilot. Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Response on Mass Transit and Passenger Rail Systems (DOD-007-RESP) is a 3-day course that includes classroom, tabletop, and full exercise training that introduces and enhances your current skills in IED response. The jewel of this training is the 2800 foot Center of National Response Memorial Tunnel in West Virginia.
Often called the Disneyland for First Responders, the Tunnel is a training venue that offers a realistic disaster setting equipped with subway cars and station and a myriad of conditions including daylight, darkness, wind, flames, smoke and other emergency challenges requested by you
The Tunnel is used as a training center for the National Guard for military and joint operations in counter terrorism, WMD events, and civil response, and has trained first responders from New York, Boston, Seattle, North Carolina, and Atlanta, among many others.
The tuition for this distinctive training is $2,212.00. You are entitled to be accompanied by a coworker at no additional charge. Lodging and meals for both you and your coworker are included. The pilot dates are April 17-19 and May 8-10, 2012. This training was designed to satisfy TSA's requirements drawn from the Office of Domestic Preparedness Universal Task List and is qualified for State Administrative Agency funding.
The target audience is Police, Fire, EMS, and HazMat personnel. This training course can be at the individual, unit, or multi-organization/agency level. After each training day, there will be a "hot wash" conducted to get your input on the day's events.