A Unique Mix of Talent

Sept. 18, 2015

It’s our seventh year of doing a Top 40 Under 40 in the transit industry and it’s something we look forward to each year. It’s always a unique group of individuals and we always learn something new about the industry from the different perspective. While we don’t filter through to pull people from different levels of the organizations or different departments, it always naturally happens that there’s a diverse mix of roles and titles.

There are a lot of similarities in how some got to where they are, yet each is a unique and interesting story. And it’s interesting to hear about what motivates them and why they all do what they do.

Something new this year is that you’ll be able to view videos to hear some of this directly from them. Look for the icon in their profile and it denotes they have a video for you to view.

You’ll also find a link to their online profile which has additional information and photos. Some of the information is about additional projects they’ve worked on, other systems or companies they’ve worked at or other information of interest. One took a trip from Vancouver, Canada to Salem, Oregon, all by public transportation; one recently singing opera in Austria for the president of Austria; one was the first openly gay person to run for student government and win at UCLA; and one who’s father retired from the same company a few years back.

We hope you enjoy learning about these people’s achievements as much as we did!

Have someone (or yourself) you want to nominate for 2016’s Top 40 Under 40? Nominate them today! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MTTop40