CUTRIC's 2nd Annual Zero Emission Bus Technologies & Transit Operations Conference

March 30, 2022 - March 31, 2022
This conference will focus on the newest technology for zero emissions buses, including battery electric buses (BEBs), hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) and renewable natural gas buses (RNGs).

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Back by popular demand, the 2nd Annual Canadian Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Technologies & Transit Operations Conference in 2022, promises to be even bigger and better than before.

This conference will focus on the newest technology for zero emissions buses, including battery electric buses (BEBs), hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) and renewable natural gas buses (RNGs). This conference will define “ZEB” as including zero emissions out of the tailpipe and over the lifecycle of the vehicle.

If you're a transit agency, transit operator, manufacturer or consulting agency, you are not going to want to miss this conference that will cover everything related to Zero Emission Busses!

Wheel Rail Seminars
Transportation Technology Center