Gain a working knowledge of railroad engineering and operations, along with related concepts for freight, intercity passenger and rail transit systems. Increase your skills and competencies while expanding your knowledge of railroad engineering, operations and management.
You will understand:
- Railroad operating fundamentals and management
- Railroad track structure—sub-ballast, ballast, ties, rail
- Railroad engineering—alignment
- Special trackwork
- Signals, crossings, bridges, yards, and facilities
- Freight, inter-city passenger, and transit
- Case studies, examples and more.
Who should attend:
- Railroad employees
- Consultants and contractors
- Local, state, and federal officials
- Engineers and technicians
There will be four sessions beginning Oct. 20, 2020 through Oct. 29, 2020. Each session will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 1:00 p.m.