Michael Cano serves as the executive officer for Multimodal Integrated Planning for Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (L.A. Metro) Countywide Planning Department. He leads L.A. Metro’s policy and planning efforts for goods movement, regional rail and freight equity, develops its comprehensive multimodal highway corridor plans and oversees the Long-Range Transportation Planning team.
He developed and authored L.A. Metro’s 2021 LA County Goods Movement Strategic Plan, which is centered on equity and supports the region’s economic vitality and environmental sustainability goals. Cano also developed and authored L.A. Metro’s Multimodal Highway Investment Objectives policy and I-405 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan, which sets forth a vision for investment in the U.S.’s most notoriously congested freeway corridor.
Cano led L.A. Metro’s Long Beach-East LA (I-710) Corridor Task Force and Zero-Emission Truck Working Group, working with a wide range of stakeholders and communities to develop L.A. Metro’s groundbreaking, comprehensive, multimodal and community-centered Corridor Mobility Investment Plan, which the board approved in April 2024.
Before joining the Multimodal Integrated Planning team, Cano led L.A. Metro’s Federal and State Policy and Programming team, where he and his team secured more than $2.5 billion in regional, state and federal grants to support L.A. Metro’s multimodal array of projects, including INFRA grants for L.A. Metro’s I-5 North HOV and Truck Lanes and SR-57/60 Confluence projects.