A series of videos was created for The Rapid’s (Grand Rapids, Michigan) groundbreaking campaign, "There’s More to The Ride." The video series provides glimpses into the lives of a selection of real public transportation riders in the community.
The stories illustrate a variety of reasons people ride, whether transit dependent or for choice riders.
Joel’s autism presents unique challenges, but through the support of his family and his ability to be independent, Joel is able to do so much more. The Rapid provides more than just transportation. It also creates opportunities and enriches lives.
From being a key driver of economic development to reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gases, The Rapid not only benefits those who ride it, but everyone who lives or works within the communities we serve. Take a few minutes and explore the stories of our neighbors, family and friends whose lives have been impacted by the power of public transportation.
Irene wants her son to grow up in a world with strong communities. When they ride The Rapid, she is reminded just how important it is to be connected. The Rapid provides more than just transportation. It also creates opportunities and enriches lives.
From being a key driver of economic development to reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gases, The Rapid not only benefits those who ride it, but everyone who lives or works within the communities it serves.
http://moretotheride.org | http://facebook.com/therapid | http://twitter.com/therapid