Akron Metro Regional Transit Authority (RTA) introduced Summit County, Ohio, residents to the agency’s two new electric buses at an event held on March 29.
Event attendees were able to see the two buses, nicknamed “Jolt” and “Volt,” in action at the Robert K Pfaff Transit Center where they silently operated during the event.
“This is an important milestone in our history as we unite with our transit peers to be nationally recognized leaders in the use of alternative fuels,” said Akron Metro CEO Dawn Distler. “We are committed to making Summit County a better place to work and live by exploring and implementing sustainable technology and practices.”
Following a ribbon cutting ceremony, attendees enjoyed a bus tour to Akron Metro’s bus garages to experience the quiet, smooth ride and view the charging stations. A vendor fair was held in the Transit Center and refreshments were served.
The agency’s battery-electric bus fleet will expand in 2023. The Metro Board of Trustees approved the purchase of two additional electric buses just prior to the start of the event.
“I am proud to govern an organization that is dedicated to improving the sustainability of its operations and the community,” said Metro Board President Robert DeJournett. “On behalf of the board, I would like to thank our appointing authorities for their support as we continue to lead Metro into the future.”