Palm Tran is focusing on bus operator safety during COVID-19 by retrofitting its entire bus fleet with barriers that are affectionately called “bus operator office doors.” Each door installed provides a heavy-duty glass shield and lower door helping reduce contact between the bus operator and passengers. There was a special kick-off event held to celebrate the completed installation, where County Administrator Verdenia C. Baker demonstrated the use of the doors.
“They also can be called ‘the Baker Doors’ because County Administrator Baker advocated for them early on and approved an expedited purchase order to begin installing them,” said Palm Tran Executive Director Clinton B. Forbes.
Palm Tran implemented extensive safety measures throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Since March 24, 2020, Palm Tran has required riders to enter and exit through the rear doors of all buses and cordoned off the driver’s area to promote social distancing. This prevented passengers from accessing the fare box near the driver. The addition of the barriers will enable passengers to once again board through the front doors, access the fare box and pay the $2 one-way fare, which helps fund the transit system. All passengers will also continue to be required to wear masks and sit in a socially distanced configuration.
While the bus operator office doors are expected to be installed on all 159 Palm Tran buses by July 12, 2020, fares are anticipated to resume Sunday, August 16, 2020.
In addition to reducing the spread of the coronavirus, another added benefit of the bus operator safety doors is protection against physical assault and unwanted passenger interactions.
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“While a rare occurrence, even one occurrence is too many,” said Interim Director of Operations Chad Hockman. “The bus operator office doors will minimize the possibility of passengers touching the operators in disputes.”
The bus operator office doors are manufactured by Vapor Bus International, a Wabtec company. The office doors are made from large, laminated safety glass that functions as a sneeze guard and include a power window that bus operators can adjust to their preference. Additionally, two built-in, high-velocity fans provide air circulation within the driver's compartment. They are currently being installed by Complete Coach Works.
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To view a time lapse of a door installation, follow this link: