Pace Suburban Bus and South Suburban College (SSC) held a ceremony on Jan. 24 to celebrate the success of a new partnership that helps recruit, prepare and employ the next generation of professional bus operators. The partnership provides students with a customized two-week commercial driver’s license (CDL) course that prepares them to obtain their CDL permit and start their career as professional bus operators. Five classes have already graduated, and 17 students are now working at Pace.
Pace removes financial barriers for students by covering the costs of tuition and other expenses associated with the Class “B” CDL permit course at SSC.
“Through our impactful partnership with Pace, we're not just training bus operators; we're forging paths to meaningful careers in public transportation. This collaboration removes financial barriers, empowering individuals to pursue their professional journey as bus operators. Together, we're shaping a future where opportunities are created,” said SSC President Dr. Lynette D. Stokes.
“I proudly serve as chairman of South Suburban College and, just as proudly, represent south suburban Cook County on Pace’s Board of Directors,” said Pace Director and SSC Chairman Terry R. Wells. “It is very fulfilling to see these two organizations partner to provide access to education and employment for our communities.”
Other members present at the ceremony include Illinois Department of Transportation Director of Intermodal Project Implementation Jason Osborn, Regional Transportation Authority of Northern Illinois Board Members Michael Lewis and Elizabeth Doody Gorman and SCC Trustees Dr. Sherelene Harris and Kevin Daly.
To end the ceremony, Pace Executive Director Melinda Metzger presented students with certificates to mark their completion of the program.
“Partnerships, especially with institutions like South Suburban College, are instrumental to further enhancing Pace’s recruitment efforts. Coming on board as a professional bus operator with Pace provides a career path with opportunity for growth, excellent health, retirement and vacation benefits and allows those with a passion for public service to give back to their community and in turn, Pace can operate a transit system that is safe, modern, and accessible to all,” Metzger said.