Trinity Metro is rolling out a new way to partner with not-for-profit organizations to help them promote the important work they perform in the community. The Community Partners Program offers agencies the opportunity to be featured on the exterior of Trinity Metro’s Community Bus.
A different organization will be featured each quarter and there is no cost to apply for the program.
“We are excited about this new program and how it will help local non-profits,” said Melissa Chrisman, vice president of marketing and communications for Trinity Metro. “We are pleased to partner with Adsposure to cover the bus advertising costs so our community partners can be featured all over town.”
What are the benefits for partners?
In addition to seeing their bus design rolling across Fort Worth, Texas, agencies will receive many additional benefits, including:
- Monthly social media posts.
- Monthly features in the Make Your Move e-newsletter.
- A write-up on the program landing page.
- Opportunity for Trinity Metro employees to support one requested volunteer event.
- Option for the partner organization to host a Transit 101 and a ride-along with Trinity Metro staff and join Trinity Metro’s EasyRide program.