The Lummi Nation has partnered with Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) to bring better transit access to local communities at the Lummi Nation Tribal Administration Building. Transportation and infrastructure improvements made to the site will be funded by a grant from WTA’s new Transit Access Fund (TAF). Lummi Nation was one of two 2023 recipients of TAF grants, created to support projects that improve transit access in local communities.
The TAF provides financial assistance for multimodal or non-motorized infrastructure located within a quarter mile of a WTA bus stop. Eligible infrastructure projects include sidewalks, intersection improvements, mid-block crossings, curb cuts, sidewalk ramps, shared use paths, pedestrian crossing signals, bicycle parking and pedestrian lighting.
The Lummi Nation’s project will improve access to tribal services by bike and by bus. It will provide secure bike parking at the Lummi Nation Tribal Administration Building and improve the bus stop adjacent to Lummi Counseling Services with a shelter and a safe, accessible boarding area. The project will also improve the boarding areas at two additional stops, one on Kwina Road at the Health Services Building and the other on Haxton Way at Smokehouse Road. The estimated project cost is $65,000.
“The Transit Access Fund is a great way to address some of the missing links in our transportation network. By working with community partners, we benefit from their ideas and efforts, and we increase the reach and value of existing public transportation throughout Whatcom County. Everyone wins," said Bellingham City Council Member and WTA Board Chair Michael Lilliquist.
As part of the many changes to come to the area, the WTA has changed the name of its Route 50, from Route 50 Gooseberry Point to Route 50 Lummi Nation. Tribal leaders and WTA board members gathered on June 13 to commemorate the change at the Lummi Nation Tribal Administration Building.
WTA’s Transit Access Fund is made possible by Transit Support Grants from the Washington State Department of Transportation. Transit Support Grants were authorized as part of the Washington State Legislature’s Move Ahead Washington transportation funding package.
WTA expects to release its call for applications for 2024 Transit Access Fund projects releases in July.