King County Metro is now serving five million riders per month as more people choose transit. On-demand services—such as Community Ride, Ride Pingo to Transit and Via to Transit—are delivering even more trips than before the COVID-19 pandemic. Every Washingtonian 18 and younger can now ride for free, and everyone can earn frequent rider points for taking transit, biking and scooting.
Last year, King County Metro’s popular, “It’s a great day to ride Metro” campaign highlighted the many transit modes against the stunning backdrops of King County’s cities, farms, mountains and waterways. The agency’s newest effort builds upon that success by welcoming more riders to transit and showing King County’s community members spending time with the people they care about in the places they love.
“It’s still a great day to ride Metro” invites people to connect again and explore again. The campaign’s powerful photography and videos tell the stories of colleagues, family and friends taking transit to farmers markets, parks, restaurants, stadiums and work.
To reach the agency’s expansive county with its tremendous cultural and geographic diversity, “It’s still a great day to ride Metro” is on billboards, digital banner ads, social media, transit advertising and websites. In addition to English, the campaign appears in Amharic, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Dari, Korean, Pashto, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.