The Green Mountain Transit (GMT) Leadership Committee announces with regret the resignation of GMT General Manager Karen Walton. The Leadership Committee is very thankful for Karen Walton's work for GMT and the many accomplishments under her leadership. Chapin Kaynor, Chair of the GMT Board said "During Ms. Walton's two years leading GMT, the organization has reached many long-term goals and established the infrastructure needed to provide high quality service to the riders of northwestern and central Vermont including completion of the downtown transit center in Burlington, and the bus location technology that lets users track their buses in real time through the RouteShout mobile app."
Catherine Dimitruk, Board member from Franklin County said "Ms. Walton was able to revamp our management systems to save money in many areas resulting in lower costs for communities and better service for riders--all without raising fares."
Ms. Walton also helped negotiate a new union contract for drivers in the rural areas served by GMT and a five year contract for urban drivers.
Karen Walton's last day will be January 20, 2017. Mark Sousa, GMT's Assistant General Manager will serve as Interim General Manager starting January 21, 2017 while the Board works on a transition plan.