Metro Set to Team Up with Vashon Islanders

Sept. 8, 2015

King County Metro Transit is calling on Vashon/Maury Island residents to partner in an innovative effort that could set the stage for some new transit alternatives on the island. That effort kicks off with the creation of a stakeholder working group that will advise Metro on the types of customized services that that may better meet the travel needs of more residents.

Vashon/Maury Island is one of several communities throughout King County that may benefit from Metro’s expanded Alternative Services Program. Through this program, Metro works collaboratively with communities and riders to identify transit services that are cost effective and have the potential for delivering improved choices. Those services might include concepts such as customizable shuttles or vans, private vehicle on-demand ridesharing, emergency rides home or community vans.

The Vashon program will be a two-year demonstration that gets underway in September with stakeholder recruitment. Metro is interested in hearing from residents who represent a cross-section of the community and riding public. Up to five Vashon residents are needed to serve on the working group. Residents interested in serving can fill out an application on Metro’s website by Sept. 18. Other members will be recruited by Metro to represent organizations including businesses, schools and service providers that could serve as transit partners.

Once selected, members of the working group will collaborate with Metro staff to identify needs, review potential transit network options and recommend alternatives. The group will meet regularly through early 2016. Meetings will be held in the evening at a location near the town center, off Vashon Highway.

The larger Vashon community will also have opportunities to be involved. In addition to online surveys, Metro will talk one-on-one with riders who use fixed route bus service and will hold an open house meeting to gather input and keep residents informed of ideas and recommendations.

Metro expects it will have a set of recommendations to make to the community by early next year. Depending on the types of options identified, alternative travel options may be coming to the island next summer or fall.