Wheels Launches Study to Improve Public Transit System

June 16, 2015

The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), operator of the Wheels bus system, including the Tri-Valley Rapid, is conducting a study to analyze bus routes and transportation demand to make improvements to the public transit system. The comprehensive planning effort is titled "Wheels Forward."

The nine-month study will include extensive public outreach, including on-board surveys, phone surveys and two rounds of public workshops in each Tri-Valley city. Additionally, a website, www.WheelsForward.com is available for continued information on the planning effort and as a convenient way to offer comments.

LAVTA Chairman Don Biddle stated, “The Wheels bus system has been a great community partner in the Tri-Valley for the past 30-years. There’s never been a better time for residents to get involved as we plan for an even more successful Wheels moving forward.”

Wheels Forward will produce both a short and long-range plan for the transit agency, offering a multi-phase blueprint of improvements for future services of the Wheels bus system through the year 2040. The highest priority for the planning efforts is a more user-friendly transit system that achieves greater efficiencies, and an increasing number of riders.

LAVTA will be working with San Francisco based Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates on the Wheels Forward planning effort. For more information, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions, visit www.WheelsForward.com.