St. Cloud Metro Bus recently created the Rider Advisory Committee to provide feedback and recommendations for improving operational or service issues affecting Metro Bus riders. Members will have input on the organization’s upcoming long-range transit plan update.
After reviewing 33 applications, Metro Bus selected Mary Brauen, Anne Buckvold, Adbi Daisane, Suzanne Diessen, Wally Jensen, Karen Maruska, Brenda Severson and Clarinda Solberg to serve on this volunteer committee. The committee, which meets monthly, elected Solberg as chair and Buckvold as vice chair.
“We had many good candidates to choose from,” said Debbie Anderson, community outreach & travel training manager, who oversees the committee. “We picked these eight community members based on several factors, with the reason they wanted to serve weighing most heavily in the decision.”
“The Rider Advisory Committee is another way for Metro Bus to connect with our customers,” said Ryan Daniel, Metro Bus executive director. “It’s a mechanism transit systems throughout the nation use to get feedback and ideas for improving service.”
The committee may be reached via email at [email protected]. Messages will be reviewed at the monthly meeting. Anything that needs to be addressed immediately or are more of a customer service issue, will be forwarded to customer service. Committee minutes and agendas will be posted on
“The role of the Rider Advisory Committee isn’t to address the day-to-day customer complaints,” said Daniel. “We have a process for that in place. The RAC will help us look at how we can improve our overall service.”