Mountain Metro Rides connects families of children attending the same school through its free schoolpool matching service. To find out if you have a schoolpool match, simply fill out and submit an application. Mountain Metro Rides will provide a list of families that have children who attend your child’s school and live nearby. Parents then contact each other and start a schoolpool based on individual needs and preferences.
Participants may choose to put together “bike trains”, “walking school buses”, or designate block captains to supervise children on their way to school. If your schoolpool application has a match, Mountain Metro Rides will provide you with a free map of the area around the school with crossing guards, lighted intersections, and bike paths highlighted to assist you in planning the best route.
Schoolpools help reduce congestion at school drop-off and pick-up areas, save time and money and help improve air quality by reducing the number of vehicles on the roadways.