The Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) has partnered with Greyhound Lines Inc. to implement Greyhound Connect as part of Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT) Yellow Route 95, which will now connect Greyhound's network of more than 3,800 destinations to locations on Yellow Route 95, including San Luis, Gadsden, Somerton, Cocopah Casino, West Yuma Transfer Hub, Downtown Yuma Transit Center and Yuma Greyhound bus stop.
This service is provided Monday through Friday between 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., every 60 minutes and on Saturday between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. every 60 minutes.
"We’re excited to expand our transit service to include this new route,” said John Andoh, transit director of YCIPTA. “This new service will be available to the general public and anyone needing transportation along this route. We are also proud to be partnering with Greyhound to offer service nationwide.”
YCIPTA, through the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is providing federal funding for the new service, and Greyhound is providing the required match to help make the new service sustainable into the future. No state or local funds are required because of the Greyhound match for this route.
“Connecting San Luis and the cities and towns in southern Yuma County with a fixed route continues to enhance the Arizona intercity bus system,” added Robert Pickels, chairman of the YCIPTA Board of Directors. “This new service provides a connection to Greyhound, Amtrak and local and regional services in Yuma. More importantly, it enhances mobility options for Arizonans who rely on public transit out of necessity or choice.”
The new service is being offered in cooperation with Greyhound Lines Inc. as part of its growing Greyhound Connect services to small towns and rural communities throughout the nation. The Yuma Greyhound ticket agent will be able to sell tickets to anywhere Greyhound goes, and YCAT Yellow Route 95 will connect with Greyhound at the Yuma Palms Regional Center bus stop located at 1275 Castle Dome Avenue in Yuma.
“Greyhound is proud to add YCAT as its newest partner in the Greyhound Connect program,” said Dave Leach, president and CEO, Greyhound. “This expansion will give the Arizona and Yuma County residents additional travel options while providing a safe, comfortable and affordable ride and we look forward to maintaining this partnership for the traveling public for years to come.”