The Vine Family of Transportation Services was awarded Outstanding Transportation Agency of the year by the California Association of Coordinated Transportation (CalACT) at its annual conference in San Diego.
CalACT is the largest state transportation association in the country and the prestigious award is given to one organization each year for demonstrating significant achievement in efficiency, effectiveness and customer service. The measures are based on safety, operations, customer service, financial management, marketing, community relations, policy and administration. The Napa County Transportation and Planning Agency is responsible for all of the Vine's bus services in the County and has spent the last several years making significant improvements to transit services throughout the Valley.
Communities like Calistoga and Yountville have seen transit ridership increase more than 300 percent. The Vine's overall system ridership has increased 50 percent over the past two years. These improvements, combined with new buses, facilities and the introduction of new technologies and marketing programs, resulted in the statewide recognition.