STM is proud to participate in the pilot project "Social Economy, I buy," engaging and, in compliance with the rules on the granting of public contracts, to further promote the supply of goods and services with social enterprises.
The Company therefore ensure invite such companies during calls for proposals, and equal quality and price, it will favor.
Officially launched Sept. 12, this pilot project is to test in action strategies to increase business relationships between social enterprises and large institutions Montreal.
27 companies representing social economy of the diversity of sectors and stakeholders to break the contracts are part of the project.
Responsible Supply practices
This commitment is in line with the site 7 Sustainability Plan in 2020 , which focuses on responsible sourcing. STM's goal, by 2020, to integrate sustainability criteria in 90 percent of their bids.
In addition to appealing to companies in this sector, including caterers, the company recently awarded a contract for the design and manufacture of islets recovery Formétal, a business school nonprofit.
For the STM, to deal with social enterprises is a good way to give back to the community, while enriching the Montreal economy.