Eden Prairie Mayor Nancy Tyra-Lukens has been honored by SouthWest Transit Commission for her 21 years of service with the bus transit agency.
Tyra-Lukens was presented with SouthWest Transit's 2017 Distinguished Service Award by CEO Len Simich and SouthWest Transit Commission Chair Jay Rohe during the Eden Prairie City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 20.
Tyra-Lukens, a former chair of the commission, began her service with commission as a representative of the city of Eden Prairie in January 1997.
Read the complete article at http://www.swnewsmedia.com/eden_prairie_news/news/local/southwest-transit-honors-eden-prairie-mayor-nancy-tyra-lukens/article_c4c818af-1df7-5de2-9dc8-1d30a8aaf428.html