The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA/Cincinnati Metro) hosted a signing ceremony on March 8, celebrating the second round of Transit Infrastructure Fund (TIF) grants, which awarded $39.2 million to 36 road, bridge and other infrastructure improvement projects across 25 Hamilton County communities.
“The Transit Infrastructure Fund is a critical piece of the Reinventing Metro plan. This year’s recipient’s projects reflect pedestrian safety improvements, the addition of bike lanes, trails and fiber optics, as well as bridge repairs – all of which go to ensure a future-focused, multi-modal community for all commuters in our region,” said Cincinnati Metro CEO and General Manager Darryl Haley. “These projects will become a reality, thanks in part to these funds and represent another step on our path to transform our region.”
In attendance at the ceremony were representatives from recipient cities, villages and townships throughout the county, and remarks were given by Haley, Cincinnati Metro Chief Strategic Planning, Development and Innovation Officer Khaled Shammout, SORTA Board Chair Kreg Keesee and SORTA Board Trustee and TIF Committee Chair Heidi Black.
“This innovative grant program represents how mutually beneficial investments in transportation and infrastructure can be for both current transit users and future riders alike,” Keesee said. “The Transit Infrastructure Fund demonstrates this agency’s commitment to building a truly integrated transportation system for our region.”
In last year’s inaugural round of grants, Cincinnati Metro awarded $227 million – including $207 million over the next 25 years for the Western Hills Viaduct replacement – to 30 projects across 22 Hamilton County communities. This second round’s applications outnumbered the year prior.
Cincinnati Metro is now accepting applications for 2024 TIF grant awards. The deadline for submitting applications will be 2 p.m. on May 31.
The TIF was established after Hamilton County voters replaced SORTA’s existing funding model, which relied primarily on the city’s earnings tax, with a new funding structure – a 0.8 percent county sales tax over the next 25 years. A quarter of that revenue (0.2 percent) is directed toward infrastructure improvements such as road, bridge and sidewalk upgrades that fall within Cincinnati Metro’s service area and would benefit bus service, as well as other road users.