Dan Hofer started in his current position at the Utah Transit Authority when its asset management system was a plan, a flowchart and a dream. Through Hofer’s ability to focus on the details while keeping the end goal of the system in mind, the UTA has created, with its partner Bentley Systems, a state-of-the-art asset management system that is designed and developed for transit by a transit agency. UTA won the Bentley Software “Be Inspired” award in 2013 in the category Innovation in Transportation Asset Management.
The system that he has led development on will be able to manage thousands of assets, including structures, track, rail vehicles, buses, facilities, fiber and other key assets that help UTA deliver transit services to the public.
This system has reduced the time required for data collection and condition assessment of the assets by creating a mobile software solution that provides computer tablets to inspection staff. This approach has allowed UTA to collect condition data on assets by leveraging the tasks that are being completed routinely by existing staff and collecting the data without the addition of more manpower. This key aspect of the system allows the experts in the field, who are most familiar with the assets, to provide the technical assessment of the asset.
By providing a solution for accurate condition ratings in this manner, it did not require the front line worker to go through extensive retraining. It provided a more efficient tool to perform the same task they were doing each day. It also saved thousands of dollars by not requiring additional staff to duplicate a job that was already be performed by others.
Hofer is on the leading edge of developing systems and standards that will impact how asset management will be done for years to come.
Hofer actively serves on the American Public transportation Association’s State of Good Repair Working Group that has written several white papers that have helped other transit agencies begin development of an effective asset management system. He also contributed to the successful completion of an FTA Pilot Program Grant that highlighted the UTA system.
“I have been fortunate enough to have been placed in great groups and work with wonderful people who have taught me so much about the industry.”
“I hadn’t really ever considered transit as a career option until one day, a few months before I was going to finish up my degree, I was doing an Internet search on internships in the construction industry and one came up as part of UTA’s recent 2015 rail expansion program. I was lucky enough to get the position and have had an amazing experience ever since.”
“I enjoy the public transit industry because we help fulfill a need in many people’s lives. Since working at UTA I’ve learned how important it is that people are able to get places they need to get to and it’s rewarding being able to help out in that respect.”