INIT plans to exhibit its ITS solutions at the 2023 APTA EXPO in Orlando, taking place from October 9-11. At the forefront of this technology is INIT's Intermodal Transport Control System, MOBILE-ITCS nextGen, now available as a cloud-native application, meeting the demands of modern fleet management.
MOBILE-ITCS nextGen uses container technology modularizing the software into sub-components. The design is engineered to respond dynamically to system load, allowing for the automatic addition or removal of resources based on demand. The cloud-based architecture optimizes resource allocation and drives cost efficiencies.
This approach allows for customers to choose the environment that suits them best, whether it is on-premises installation, cloud-based operation, or a hybrid mode that combines both. MOBILE-ITCS nextGen provides a highly flexible and secure fleet management and real-time passenger information solution.
In addition, INIT will demonstrate MOBILE-PERDIS nextGen, a cloud-based roster/ shift planning and operator assignment tool that utilizes intuitive interface and allows for tailored configurations to align with specific company requirements. Setting it apart is the DispoCentre, where all dispatching workflows can be performed in one window resulting in enhanced productivity and efficiency. Offering adaptable adjustments to diverse task profiles and meticulous user rights management, MOBILE-PERDIS nextGen ensures optimal functionality for planning, assignment, payroll calculation, and more, improving operational effectiveness.
Moreover, INIT plans to demonstrate MOBILEcharge, its charge management system which orchestrates automated charging processes by seamlessly integrating charging points, power supply, and operational information systems. Through active management of charging, peak power demands are minimized, resulting in cost savings while ensuring vehicles are charged, pre-conditioned and ready for service.
When electric vehicles enter the bus yard, INIT’s depot management solution, eMOBILE-DMS, calculates the charge level, available charging facilities in the depot, and planned departures. The integration of fleet and charge management systems ensures optimal availability across a fleet.
To address modern ticketing demands, INIT will demonstrate URpass - a comprehensive mobile ticketing platform for small to mid-sized transit agencies. URpass mobile ticketing streamlines digital sales through the app or online store and can be easily customized and expanded to fit any agency’s requirements. It further offers easy expansion to account-based ticketing, route planning, loyalty programs, and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) integration for bikes and scooters.
Live Fare Panels
As part of the APTA EXPO showcase, INIT invites attendees to attend live interviews with six customer agencies on Tuesday, October 10th, at 10:30 am and 2:30 pm inside booth 3543. These sessions will feature such topics as fare equity through geofenced zones, empowering cash-based riders through Cash App, Institutional incentives and more. Highlighted agencies include Spokane Transit Authority, Houston METRO, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, Sound Transit, WeGo Nashville Public Transit and Rhode Island Public Transit Authority.