RATP Dev USA has been awarded two new operations and maintenance contracts in North Carolina. The operations and maintenance contracts will provide fixed route and paratransit services in both Raleigh and Wake Access County, as well as fixed route services in Durham, N.C.
RATP Dev will operate the contracts under the names GoRaleigh, GoWake Access and GoDurham. They will mark the fifth, sixth and seventh locations that RATP Dev services across North Carolina.
The five-year contracts in Raleigh and Wake County – which could possibly be extended for an additional four years – will oversee the operation of 185 vehicles and the management of 450 employees across the city and county. The service began on April 23 for fixed routes and will begin city and county paratransit services on July 1.
The fixed route contract in Durham will consist of running 58 vehicles and managing 245 employees in the city. The five-year contract will start on July 1 and could potentially be extended for an additional two years.
“We are excited to expand our presence in North Carolina with these new contracts and to partner with GoDurham, GoRaleigh and GoWake Access in improving mobility for residents and visitors alike. These new successes demonstrate the trust of several cities and our commitment to providing reliable and sustainable transportation solutions in North Carolina and across the USA,” said Cyril Aubin, CEO of RATP Dev USA.