VanStar, the regional vanpool service, has saved commuters thousands of dollars in annual commute costs.
More Middle Tennessee commuters are experiencing significant savings in their personal transportation costs and less commute stress by choosing to vanpool. VanStar is operated and managed by The TMA Group (TMA) on behalf of Williamson County and the Regional Transportation Authority.
“VanStar focuses on commuters. The demand for ridesharing transportation solutions for employers, employees, and communities that provide connectivity and enhance economic development of the Middle Tennessee region is intensifying. Vanpooling truly makes for a better commute option” stated Diane Thorne, TMA regional transportation director.
For those work commute trips of 20 miles or more each way, VanStar is The Better Commute. A vanpool is a group of five to 15 people who choose to ride together to and from work. Currently VanStar is serving fourteen Middle Tennessee counties, including Williamson. TMA provides the vehicles, the insurance, and all the maintenance and repairs. Monthly commute costs are shared by the riders.
With over 25 years’ experience in providing successful ridesharing services to the region, TMA has dynamic ridematching technology that allows individuals to login in and join existing vanpools or begin new vanpools.
“Starting up a new vanpool is very easy. By sharing the ride, a vanpool rider can typically save annually approximately $3,500 to $4,000. Many leading companies in the area encourage their employees to participate in VanStar services. One vanpool takes 9-11 cars off our roads; with a current fleet of 90 vehicles and growing, VanStar is a proven commute solution,” shared Stanton Higgs, business development and operations ddirector, The TMA Group.