VHB Selected to Identify Bicycle Improvements Around Vienna Metrorail Station

March 16, 2016
VHB was selected to assist Fairfax County in selecting, prioritizing, and designing on-road bicycle facilities around the Vienna Metrorail Station.

VHB was selected to assist Fairfax County in selecting, prioritizing, and designing on-road bicycle facilities around the Vienna Metrorail Station. The project, funded by a transportation and land use grant from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), will identify improvements that provide safe and comfortable access to the Vienna Metrorail Station for bicyclists.

VHB will work with Fairfax County to identify and evaluate potential bicycle facilities on four roadways around the station - Virginia Center Boulevard/Country Creek Road, Vaden Drive, Five Oaks Road/Saintsbury and Sutton Road. In June 2016, VHB will provide a final report with preliminary design plans, recommended bicycle treatments for each of the roadways, priority rankings for the four projects, and project cost estimates.

With this project, VHB will continue to improve access to Metro stations in Northern Virginia, building upon earlier work at four Silver Line stations in Northern Virginia, including the Wiehle Avenue and Reston Parkway stations in Fairfax County, and the Route 772 and Route 606 stations in Loudoun County. VHB also designed on-street bicycle facilities for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), as well as roadways with shared lane markings for the City of Alexandria.

Dan Nabors, senior project manager at VHB, will lead the project. He managed the bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects for all four Silver Line stations and is currently the project manager for DDOT’s Bicycle Facility Design Project. Nabors has authored numerous Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance documents for pedestrians and bicyclists, including the Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies, BIKESAFE, and Bicycle Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists.