Developing Transit Leaders

Sept. 13, 2013
Developing a stellar staff starts with effective recruiting, moves on to training and then fosters leadership.

As I read through the proofs of this month’s issue it soon became apparent that transit agencies offer career-minded people outstanding opportunities to blossom where they’re planted. Every month our pages feature stories of people, ideas and products that are working in various ways to improve system operations: making them run more efficiently, improving reliability and conserving resources. In general, the stories provide proven models that are adaptable to your operations.

In this issue we spotlight how the transit industry has served the individuals who have chosen to pursue their careers in this field and the results they’ve achieved. Transit doesn’t have a glitzy television show to serve as a recruiting tool — would that be possible? The Subways of San Francisco, LA Trains, CTA/CSI? — so we’ll have to let these stories illustrate — in real life — just how rewarding a career served in transit can be.

If you’ve already read through the magazine to reach this back page, you know we covered the essentials for creating an environment of success. Developing a stellar staff starts with effective recruiting, moves on to training and then fosters leadership. The examples in these stories could be helpful in keeping your organization on track to develop the next leaders.

Leadership figures prominently in most success stories, including the profiles of our Top 40 Under 40. Be sure to read the expanded stories online where you can learn a little more about what makes these leaders tick

Nominations are now open for the 2014 edition of Mass Transit’s Top 40 Under 40. If you know an outstanding individual who deserves to be recognized for his or her achievements, you will find the nomination form and qualifications at