KSW Microtec

Dresden D-01099


About KSW Microtec


Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 12
Dresden D-01099
+49 351 88960-10
+49 351 88960-11

More Info on KSW Microtec

KSW Microtec AG founded in 1994, with its headquarters in Germany, is one of
the world¹s leading suppliers of contactless components for applications
such as Access Control, eGovernment, ePayment, eTicketing and Asset
Management. KSW successfully combines high-end wafer processing, extremely
efficient assembly and lamination technology and far-reaching expertise in
design. KSW has earned itself a leading position on the market as innovator
and one of the most efficient, and simultaneously most flexible, producers
of RFID components. KSW is a 100% investment holding of the listed venture
capital company Deutsche Effecten- und Wechsel-Beteiligungsgesellschaft AG

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