Federal-Mogul Corp.

Southfield, MI 48033


About Federal-Mogul Corp.


26555 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48033
United States

More Info on Federal-Mogul Corp.

Federal-Mogul Corp. is an innovative and diversified $6.9 billion global supplier of quality products, trusted brands and creative solutions to manufacturers of automotive, light commercial, heavy-duty and off-highway vehicles, as well as in power generation, aerospace, marine, rail and industrial.

Products and Press Releases

Vachon formerly held several sales, marketing and strategic planning leadership positions in the commercial vehicle industry.

Guy Vachon Joins MCI as Vice President Aftermarket Sales

Guy Vachon, a leading talent in bus and truck aftermarket parts, has joined MCI as vice president of aftermarket sales. In this position, Vachon will be responsible for MCI Service...
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Federal-Mogul Develops Touch-Free Lighting for Vehicle Interiors

Dec. 12, 2011
Innovative technology application reduces design complexity, energy use, driver distraction

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