MnDOT Wants Transit Information

Dec. 1, 2015

How does transit affect your daily travel?

As you may recall, the Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan is getting a five-year update to refine both the investment priorities and strategic direction for transit in Greater Minnesota.

To help us shape the future of Greater Minnesota transit, check out the MnDOT interactive travel wikimap tool. The wikimap tool is an interactive mapping platform, similar to google maps, that allows you to tag your travel origins and destinations. This will help the agency understand how people are crossing boundaries throughout their travel and help it support seamless transit systems. Not a fan of maps? Take MnDOT's brief daily travel survey instead.

MnDOT is relying on its partners and stakeholders, to help get the word out about these transit tools. It asks you forward this across your own networks, as your participation is a key component of the Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan and will deeply inform its recommendations.